Download the Full Event Guide to see the expert speakers, a full in-depth 3-day agenda, the hours of networking opportunities, and how you can get involved in the discussion - all in one document!

7:00 am Check-In & Coffee

8:00 am Chair’s Opening Remarks

Navigating the Manufacturing Landscape

8:10 am Addressing the Challenges of Supplying Rapid Market Growth and Insights into North American Manufacturing Capacity


  • Addressing the market growth expected based on projects in design
  • Overviewing manufacturer capacity and capabilities across North America and Europe, and how that is set to evolve over the next 12-18 months
  • Exploring the concept of different mass timber supply chains and how this can lead to improved costs and market flexibility

8:50 am Navigating the Sustainability of Timber Supply Chains to Maximize Environmental Benefits of Your Project


  • Analyze responsible sourcing options to ensure minimized environmental footprint and enhanced sustainability outcomes
  • Understanding sustainability metrics like FSC certification and biogenics to empower stakeholders to make more informed decisions that maximize the environmental benefits while minimizing ecological harm: What are the myths to be wary of?
  • Discussing how to account for scope 3 emissions in your decision making process to maximize sustainability of the overall project delivery

10:10 am Morning Refreshments & Speed Networking

Track 1: Navigating the Changing Project Landscape

Next-Gen Project Evolution

10:40 am Evaluating the Evolution from First to Second Generation Mass Timber Projects to Inform Industry Developments


  • Understanding how dynamics of early tall mass timber projects have influenced the design and construction approaches of subsequent projects: How can lessons learned also be transposed to other novel project types?
  • Examining the complexities and demands of connection design in taller mass timber buildings, particularly regarding fire performance and securing code approval
  • Exploring regulatory and jurisdictional considerations for increasing height in mass timber buildings without covering the timber to add additional fire proofing

11:20 am Understanding the Fundamentals of Engineering Design for Hybrid Projects to Ensure Clarity Around Material Variances

  • Nick Milestone Vice President, Director - Projects & Construction, Mercer Mass TImber


  • Establishing differences in performance characteristics of different materials to determine the right engineering and connections for mixed materials
  • Understanding the regulatory and code considerations for hybrid projects to ensure compliance with building codes and standards
  • Highlighting the sequencing and coordination implications of hybrid construction methods in the field to define best practice for trades and installers alike

12:00 pm Unlocking the Economics in Small-Scale Mass Timber Projects to Determine Project Viability


  • Mapping the process of adopting mass timber on a smaller scale to expand the industry footprint
  • Assessing the economics for small scale sourcing to meet the minimum order clause, yet present it as a viable option
  • Sharing best practise across a smaller, less experienced team to bridge the gap in knowledge and enhance project outcomes

Track 2: Managing Risk in Project Delivery

Creating Supportive Collaboration

10:40 am Establishing Strategies to Get Buy In from Local Code Officials to Embrace Timber


  • Discussing the most impactful evidence to present to code officials to get buy in and alleviate their fears
  • Explore the process behind getting sufficient research and testing data with more innovative design options to secure local code official buy in
  • Identifying the partnerships that can be formed to support the expansion of mass timber within local contexts

11:20 am Panel Discussion: Optimizing a Collaborative Design Process to Establish Effective Project Communication


  • Exploring the benefits of partnering with timber manufacturers earlier in the design process
  • Clarifying the roles and responsibilities of architects, engineers, and other stakeholders at different stages of the project, including points of handoff and transition: How can that differ depending on the timber manufacturer?
  • Establishing the early decisions that need to be made to maximize the potential of timber for your project

12:00 pm Exploring Best Practice in MEP Coordination with Mass Timber Design to Improve Project Efficiency


  • Discussing the primary challenges with MEPF and timber coordination: How can you educate partners quickly on the additional considerations in this setting?
  • Building a robust, iterative, yet efficient process for coordination between all trades that minimizes scope gaps in design
  • Understanding how the process changes when coordinating tolerances and ensuring compatibility between prefabricated systems and onsite construction

12:40 pm Networking Lunch

Structural Developments

1:40 pm Case Study: Combining Modern Day Technology with Traditional Joinery to Develop Efficient & Cost-Effective All- Timber Diagrid Connections

  • Leif Johnson Structural Engineering Director, StructureCraft


  • Understand how parametric modeling can be utilized to analyze the efficiency, and potential hierarchy, of various diagrid structural systems
  • Exploring how combining current CNC cutting technology and traditional Japanese joinery can create all timber connections (e.g. no steel) given variations in diagrid member sizing
  • Assessing how the cost of all-timber diagrid connections compare to traditional steel connections that utilize steel plates/components

2:20 pm Exploring the Use of Point Support Systems to Increase Flexibility Within Multifamily Projects


  • Investigating the difference between point-supported and beam-supported systems, and understanding their applicability in different project contexts
  • Exploring strategies to balance structural requirements with unit design and functionality goals when using a point-system
  • Exploring how innovations in floor-column connections are enabling the use of point-systems in taller wood structures and what the challenges are that you still need to look out for

3:00 pm Uncovering Efficient Solutions That Balance Acoustic Performance with Structural & Fire Design Requirements for Higher Quality Multi-Family Buildings


  • Identifying and addressing concerns of sound transmission at transition points between walls and decks early in design
  • Considering the latest research and developments in acoustic panels and joinery to achieve optimal performance for your project when using innovative construction approaches: What are the unknowns that you still need to be aware of?
  • Finding cost-efficient solutions that balance acoustics with other structural and fire design requirements for your project

Logistical Bottlenecks

1:40 pm Optimizing Timber Transportation & Just-in Time Delivery to Increase Project Efficiency


  • Effectively translating sequencing of timber elements to shipping logistics, to efficiently time deliveries and ensure productivity on-site
  • Creating effective mitigation plans to tackle potential disruptions in shipping logistics, such as delays at border crossings
  • Exploring effective protective materials and or processes to prevent damage to members upon transportation

2:20 pm Streamlining Coordination & Installation On-Site to Maximize Potential Speed of Delivery


  • Defining the process of engaging installers and other trade partners in early installation coordination
  • Examining strategies for optimizing onsite materials handling, from maximizing space utilization in staging areas to building crane utilization plans
  • Understanding the holistic nature of budgeting, including factors beyond material costs, such as crane time and installation labor

3:00 pm Exploring QA/QC Practices for Mass Timber Structures to Minimize Costly Errors & Reduce Risk

  • Thomas Ritucci Project Manager, The Whiting-Turner Contracting Company


  • Identify and discuss issues that are unique to mass timber which need to be accounted for in your project’s quality management plan
  • Mapping the critical onsite safety and quality challenges associated with the mass timber installation
  • Defining comprehensive QA/QC protocols from fabrication facility through field to ensure robust checks at every stage of the process
  • Fostering adherence to timber specific quality protocols to minimize field-based incidents

3:40 pm Afternoon Refreshments & Networking

Building the Business Case

4:20 pm Overcoming Pushback Due to the Perceived High-Cost Associated with Mass Timber to Ensure Maximum Client Buy-in

  • Ethan Martin Director of Sustainability & Mass Timber, DCI Engineers


  • Identifying pivotal barriers in initial cost predictions to establish the toolkit to overcome critical bottlenecks
  • Leveraging historic project data and manufacturer insights to reduce inflated costs, and help cement timber in the project trajectory
  • Understanding project trade-offs you can utilize to help timber pencil as a viable option

4:40 pm How to Successfully Cost Manage a Mass Timber Project


  • Vetting subcontractors and choosing effective procurement models to ensure reliable project outcomes
  • Establishing a pre-design budget with timber pricing dynamics leading to accurate cost projections and reduced budget overruns
  • Managing project costs through benchmarking to ensure better expense tracking and effective resource allocation

5:10 pm Chair’s Closing Remarks

5:20 pm End of Day One