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7:30 am Check-In & Networking

8:00 am Chair’s Opening Remarks

Project Compliance

8:10 am Sharing Top Tips to Secure Builders Risk Insurance for Your Next Timber Project


  • Devising a step-by-step guide on how to successfully communicate project information with insurance providers to ensure accurate premiums are set
  • Exploring critical project decisions or data that can be provided to reduce insurance premiums
  • Assessing the further market evolution or market maturity that the insurance industry needs to see to have more confidence in timber structures and bring down premiums

8:50 am Navigating Evolving Building Codes to Ensure Compliance with Innovative Mass Timber Projects

  • Karyn Beebe Regional Manager, Government Relations, International Code Council


  • Understanding the grey areas of the most recent IBC to get ahead of potential roadblocks and inform conversations with local jurisdictions
  • Exploring innovative solutions to working around code challenges to deliver your projects whilst staying compliant
  • Exploring influences on the next edition of the IBC code and what that will mean for fire performance and structural integrity

10:10 am Morning Refreshments & Networking

Track 1: Navigating the Changing Project Landscape

Regional Adoption

10:40 am Case Study: Working with European Manufacturing Partners to Deliver High Quality Projects


  • Establishing European manufacturers and their partnership requirements to set your project up for success
  • Collaborating with European manufacturers to enable seamless transportation without damage or extending timelines
  • Establishing considerations of potential drawbacks when working with a European Manufactures such as increased carbon emissions to better inform your supplier choice

11:20 am Audience Discussion: Translating Mass Timber Regionally to Foster Maximum Adoption


  • Evaluating regional adoption of mass timber code regulations to understand the considerations for your project
  • Assessing the optimal building typologies that complement different region requirements
  • Crafting mass timber designs tailored to diverse environmental conditions, with careful consideration of seismic and thermal challenges

12:00 pm What the Data Tells Us About Projects Big and Small: A Survey of Over 40 Completed Projects

  • Lisa Podesto Director of Mass Timber, Swinerton Builders
  • William Silva Regional Director of Preconstruction, Swinerton Builders


  • Evaluate timber design and efficiency across a range of projects of varying scale, construction type and grid size
  • Quantify value trends in secondary trades typically impacted by the use of mass timber
  • Discuss aggregated outcomes, including schedule and cost, and how they have changed over time

Track 2: Managing Risk in Project Delivery

Material Management

10:40 am Understanding How Moisture Can Make or Break Your Project


  • Creating an effective moisture management plan tailored to your project requirements to effectively prevent critical damage
  • Exploring strategies to address staining or water damage, empowering your team to respond swiftly and proficiently when such issues arise
  • Comparing possible sealants and coatings on the market designed to prevent potential moisture issues

11:20 am Maximizing Flexibility in Early Design to Be Able to Accommodate Bidding from Multiple Manufacturers


  • Understanding the typical design decisions that are made too early thus limiting manufacturing options
  • Discussing questions to ask bidding manufacturers aimed at bridging design gaps for a more equitable comparison of suppliers
  • Optimizing the bidding process to ensure clear collaboration between manufacturers and designers, exploring options for potential future innovation

12:00 pm Reaching New Heights: Study on the Academic Wood Tower


  • Design challenges related to tall timber including deflection, diaphragm systems and more
  • Lessons learned from moisture management, to site logistics
  • Mitigating challenges with building permit and AHJs

Defining the Future

12:40 pm Networking Lunch

1:40 pm Case Study: Utilizing Mass Timber to Revolutionize the K12 Market Sector

  • Craig Curtis Director - Emerging Building Technologies, Mithun


  • Exploring the myriad of advantages of mass timber specifically for school districts, staff and students
  • Discussing how the physical properties of typical K12 school construction fits perfectly with the characteristics of mass timber construction
  • Examining several case studies, both domestic and international, that showcase the advantages of mass timber construction for schools

2:20 pm Exploring the (Very Near) Future of Radical Forest Carbon Transparency


  • For the first time, timber users have public access to high-quality carbon data on forests and harvested wood products (HWPs), enabling consistent, holistic reporting
  • Understand how forest sector inventory data, LCAs, and EPDs are used to report carbon in HWPs and estimate carbon displacement impacts of HWPs compared to alternatives
  • Opportunity to engage with these tools now through testing and feedback as the data platform and suite of 6 user-facing tools are developed

3:00 pm Fireside Chat: Exploring the Future Evolution of Mass Timber Projects to Set Your Organization Up for Success


  • Explore the drivers of innovation impacting growth of the mass timber market to establish the roadmap of mass timber evolution
  • Analyzing regional fluctuations of mass timber project developments to establish the next hub
  • Defining the key lessons from current mass timber projects that will influence the new age of mass timber

3:40 pm Chair’s Closing Remarks

3:50 pm End of Conference