Simon Siegert

Company: Binderholz
Job title: BD
Case Study: Working with European Manufacturing Partners to Deliver High Quality Projects 10:40 am
Establishing European manufacturers and their partnership requirements to set your project up for success Collaborating with European manufacturers to enable seamless transportation without damage or extending timelines Establishing considerations of potential drawbacks when working with a European Manufactures such as increased carbon emissions to better inform your supplier choiceRead more
day: Conf Day 2 Track 1 AM
Selecting the Right Manufacturing Partner That Meets Your Project Specifications 1:30 pm
This workshop is designed to assist participants in choosing the ideal manufacturing partner tailored to their project needs. Key highlights include exploring the capabilities and limitations of leading suppliers in North America, understanding wood species performance, and discussing procurement models and their impact on project cost and delivery. Join this workshop to: Explore the different…Read more
day: Pre-Conference Day